Discord Commands:
All commands below are with the default prefix !
If you use a different prefix in your config, replace as needed
Initial registration:
To start receiving alarms from Poracle, please register in the designated channel by typing in !poracle
After you have registered, open up a Direct Message window with your bot and set your location.
The location can be set using any number of location keywords.
The keywords can be County, city, address, famous landmark or anything you would like to search with.
Alarms are enabled by deafault; however, you can manually enable or disable all alarms with
- Starts alarms in your DM!stop
- Stops alarms in your DM!unregister
- Remove your account and delete all filters.!location <string >
- searches for location and registers it
Tracking commands:
- replies with your registered location and a list of monsters, raids or eggs you track
To track monsters in DM, you need the name of the monster and minimum distance + optionally a minimum IV
!track <Monster> <Distance> <Min_iv>
!track croconaw 500
- This will start tracking Croconaw within 500 meters of your location!track bellsprout 4000 97
- Tracking for Bellsprout within four kilometers of your location with a minimum IV of 97%!untrack croconaw
- Removes tracking for croconaw
To track raids via DM you need the name of the monster and minimum distance
!raid <Monster> <Distance>
!raid remove <Monster>
!raid gengar 5500
- Will start sending alarms for Gengar raids within 5.5km of your location!raid remove gengar
- Will remove tracking for gengar raids
Raid eggs:
To track raids via DM you need the level of the Raid egg and minimum distance!egg <level> <distance>
!egg remove <level>
!egg 5 700
- Will send alarms for level 5 Raid eggs within 700m!egg remove 5
- Will remove alarms for level 5 eggs
Configurable fields:
In case you would like the messages to be more compact or not include all information, they can be configured with!switch <Command>
Where <Command> is one of [map, address, iv, moveset, weather]
The sidebar of the embed sidebar will be the colour of the monsters primary type
Example of full alarm

!switch map
- Will disable or enable the static map image in future alarms!switch address
- Will disable or enable the location block (Tallinn Kesklinn... above)!switch iv
- Will disable or enable perfection% and stats block!switch moveset
- Will disable or enable moveset block!switch weather
- Will enable or disable weather reports in alarm (disabled by default and requires operator to follow this guide)
Raid and raid egg alarms also include an image from the webhook.
This is enabled with the Address switch.!switch address
- Enables or disables the address and embedded image!switch iv
- Will enable or disable the gym name and gym description box.
The sidebar of the message will be the colour of the controlling team
Example of full alarm
in a private message with the bot will give available commands