Custom alarm messages:

After first run, Poracle will generate 3 json files for custom DTS messages.


    "time":"It will despawn at <DESPAWN>, you have <TTH> left\n",
    "iv":"Perfection: **<IV>%** , (<ATK>\/<DEF>\/<STA>), Level:**<LVL>** (cp:**<CP>**)\n",
    "weather":"boosted by  <WEA>\n",
    "mon":"a wild <MON> has \nappeared!\n",
    "address":"Address: <SUB> <STR> <STR_NUM>\n",
    "moves":"Quick move: <MOVE1>, Charge Move: <MOVE2>\n"


    "gyminfo":"**<GYM>** \n <INFO>\n",
    "raid":"Raid against <MON> has started!\n",
    "time":"It will end at <DESPAWN>, in <TTH>\n",
    "weather":"boosted by  <WEA>\n",
    "address":"Address: <SUB> <STR> <STR_NUM>\n",
    "moves":"Quick move: <MOVE1>, Charge Move: <MOVE2>\n"


    "gyminfo":"**<GYM>** \n <INFO>\n",
    "raid":"level <LVL> egg has appeared!\n",
    "time":"It will hatch at <HATCH>, in <TTH>\n",
    "weather":"current weather:  <WEA>\n",
    "address":"Address: <SUB> <STR> <STR_NUM>\n",

The following variables can be used and replaced:

<DESPAWN> - Disappear time of monster  
<TTH> - Minutes and seconds until hidden  
<CITY> - City  
<SUB> - Suburb  
<STR> - Street  
<STR_NUM> - Street number  
<ADDR_EU> - EU format address  
<ADDR_US> - US format address  
<IV> - IV%  
<ATK> - Attack  
<DEF> - Defence  
<STA> - Stamina  
<LVL> - Level  
<CP> - CP points  
<MOVE1> - Quick move  
<MOVE2> - Charge move  
<WEA> - Weather boosted condition  
<RM> - Personal RM link


<DESPAWN> - Disappear time of raid  
<TTH> - Minutes and seconds until raid ends  
<CITY> - City  
<SUB> - Suburb  
<STR> - Street  
<STR_NUM> - Street number  
<ADDR_EU> - EU format address  
<ADDR_US> - US format address  
<GYM> - Gym Name  
<INFO> - Gym description  
<MOVE1> - Quick move  
<MOVE2> - Charge move  
<WEA> - Weather boosted condition  
<RM> - Personal RM link


<HATCH> - Start time of raid  
<TTH> - Minutes and seconds until raid starts  
<CITY> - City  
<SUB> - Suburb  
<STR> - Street  
<STR_NUM> - Street number  
<ADDR_EU> - EU format address  
<ADDR_US> - US format address  
<GYM> - Gym Name  
<INFO> - Gym description  
<WEA> - Weather boosted condition  
<RM> - Personal RM link

You can also customize the response messages from the bot in config/config.ini

To change the message of a bot command, first find it from config/config.ini.exampe,
change the message and uncomment the beginning of the line.

## Custom messages for bot commands

#registering: Hello {}, thank you for registering!
#alreadyreg: Hello {}, you are already registered
#onlyinchannel: Hello {}, !register is only available in #{}
#notregistered: Hello {}, You are not currenlty registered!
#unregistered: Hello {}, You are no longer registered!
#start: Your alarms have been activated!
#onlyregistered: This command is only available for registered humans! :eyes:
#locationfirst: Please use `!location <location>` to set your location first :slight_smile:
#stop: Your alarms have been stopped!
#onlydm: Hello {}, This command is only available in DM
#notfind: I was unable to locate {}
#locationset: I have set your location to {}. \n You can double check: {}
#badswitch: :no_good: Invalid command.\nOptions: [map, address, iv, moveset, weather]
#switchyes: I have turned {} on in your alarms
#switchno: I have turned {} off in your alarms
#trackingadd: I have added tracking for: {} within {}m at least {}% perfect
#trackingupd: I have updated tracking for: {} within {}m at least {}% perfect
#monnotfound: I could not find {}
#nottracking: You are not currently tracking {} :eyes:
#removedtracking: I have removed tracking for: {}
#raidadded: I have added tracking for: {} raids within {}m
#raidupd: I have updated tracking for: {} raids distance to {}m
#invalidraidlvl: Invalid raid level :no_good:
#eggadded: I have added tracking for level {} raids within {}m
#eggupdated: I have updated changed level{} raid tracking distance to {}m
#eggnottracked: You are not currently tracking lvl{} raid eggs :eyes:
#eggremoved: I have removed tracking for level{} raids

results matching ""

    No results matching ""