Sending alarms to public #channels

To send alarms to public channels, you need to launch poracle with the--owner argument.

in your config, you will need to replace the "#" in your username with a "$".
For example, if your discord username is Kartulipudru#4525, you should add

owner: Kartulipudru$4525 in your config or alternatively launch with python --owner Kartulipudru$4525

The owner of the bot can add publich channels by adding them
!add channel - Will register channel to receive alarms

!remove channel - Removes channel from alarms

After the channel has been registered, the owner can register it's location and add tracking.

!location <string > - searches for location and set's it for channel

!tracked - show's currently set location and tracked monsters


To track monsters in DM, you need the name of the monster and minimum distance + optionally a minimum IV

!track <Monster> <Distance> <Min_iv>
!track croconaw 500 - This will start tracking Croconaw within 500 meters of your location
!track bellsprout 4000 97 - Tracking for Bellsprout within four kilometers of your location with a minimum IV of 97%
!untrack croconaw - Removes tracking for croconaw


To track raids via DM you need the name of the monster and minimum distance

!raid <Monster> <Distance> !raid remove <Monster> !raid gengar 5500 - Will start sending alarms for Gengar raids within 5.5km of your location
!raid remove gengar - Will remove tracking for gengar raids

Raid eggs:

To track raids via DM you need the level of the Raid egg and minimum distance
!egg <level> <distance>
!egg remove <level>

!egg 5 700- Will send alarms for level 5 Raid eggs within 700m
!egg remove 5 - Will remove alarms for level 5 eggs

Special cases:

!alert perfect 10000 - will send alerts for 100% IV monsters within 10km
!alert remove perfect- will remove alerts for 100% IV monsters within 10km

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